7 Things that You Can Do to Deal with a Loved One Suffering From Alcoholism and Alcohol Related Dementia
Alcohol related dementia is a serious disorder that affects long term alcoholics and their families. According to the National Library of Medicine, long term alcohol use leads to changes in the brain. These changes can result in Alzheimer’s like symptoms. Caring for a loved one in this condition can be extremely difficult. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to make it a bit easier.
1. Work with your Family
Your family is a valuable resource when you are caring for someone with alcohol related dementia. They can help you with support, treatment decisions, and other tasks. They can also provide respite care to give you a break.
2. Plan Difficult Activities Ahead of Time

Make sure your loved one is safe in their current living environment.
By planning ahead of time, you make the tasks easier on yourself and your loved one, especially if the task is a doctors or outpatient treatment appointment. These appointments can be stressful which will trigger both drinking and a stress reaction in someone suffering from this condition.
3. Communicate with Everyone Involved including the Addict
Communication is important for any treatment program. When you communicate with everyone involved, you increase understanding. You will need to coordinate treatment and other services, these services will fail without good communication.
4. Make Long Term Decisions before the Disease Takes Over and while the Addict is Sober
When you start to see the signs of alcohol related dementia, it is important to start making decisions for long term care as soon as possible. There are many types of care available and you can consult with the addict about their wishes as long as they are sober. Talk to them about treatment for the alcoholism and the dementia before they start to experience many of the more severe symptoms. Once these decisions are made you can focus on their quality of life.
5. Have Measures in Place to Help you with Both Diseases
As you make these long term decisions, you can start to put measures in place to help with both diseases. Having these treatment measures in place will help you avoid confusion and problems later on. These measures can include long term care options, alcoholism treatment, and homecare. Discuss and try to agree on what types of treatment that you and your loved one want before the disease becomes too severe.
6. Make Sure the Individual is Safe
Safety is extremely important with a dementia patient. If you plan to keep your loved one with you at home, you have to make sure they are not in any danger from their environment. If you discover that they are, you might need to seek a different treatment option. Alcohol related dementia can be a very debilitating disease and the symptoms of it can progress very quickly. You may find yourself in over your head if you take on too much.
7. Help them with Treatment for Both Disorders
The best option for both disorders is to find treatment for the alcoholism and the alcohol related dementia. You can find treatment for both disorders by calling 800-487-1890 (Who Answers?) . We can help you with the treatment decisions that you need to make.