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Benefits of Family Therapy in Addiction Treatment

Family support is one of the most important parts of recovery for an addict and often, the relationship falls apart due to misunderstandings and actions caused by their addiction. Without the support and understanding of the ones closest to them, the addict is far more likely to relapse because they will not have anyone to help them through this difficult time in their lives.

That is why family therapy is so important in addiction treatment, and there are many benefits of participation for the addict and the family as well.

Gain Better Understanding

Many family members do not understand the way addiction works and become upset or angry when the addict does not simply quit out of love for their family.  According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, many people assume that addicts are people who are lacking in morals or willpower and that quitting it is a choice, but the truth is that addiction is much more complex and requires treatment to fix.

Family counseling can help teach family members about how addiction affects the users and begin the process of restoring the relationship between the addict and their family.

For more information on how family members can learn more about the fundamentals of addiction, call 800-487-1890 (Who Answers?) and someone will assist you.

Improvements in Communication

Benefits of Family Therapy

Family therapy can help rebuild trust.

For those with maladaptive families, opening the line of communication can be extremely difficult, especially after any hurtful or negative actions caused by the addiction. Family therapywill help to make the family and addict aware of their destructive behavior and work with both parties to change them so that the addict receives the support they need while the family learns to adapt in a healthier way.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, family therapy will help family members to make changes in their intrapersonal, interpersonal, and environmental lifestyles that may be affecting the addict while teaching the addict how to live without the substance to eliminate the feeling of “ganging up” on the addict from their family.

The addict will need all the loved ones he or she can get, especially when they return to their lives and face a world full of temptations, to ensure that they are successful in their recovery.

Rebuilding the Trust

Addiction can lead people down a dark path and in an attempt to keep their relationships intact, addicts will lie about their addiction or steal in order to avoid their withdrawal symptoms. It can be extremely hard to trust someone who has stolen from the ones who love them most or lied to them, but with family treatment, the family can learn to let go of the addicts past actions and rebuild their faith in them.

Counselors will help to:

  • improve communication
  • promote honest interactions
  • and get the family more involved in the addict’s recovery so they can see the positive steps the addict is taking to become sober

Express the Emotions

Many addicts do not feel that can express themselves to their family members for fear of shaming, judging, or anger from them. The same applies to the family of the loved one, as some may be afraid their emotions will make things worse or that they will be disappointed when the addict seems to care more about their addiction then their family.

Counselors will give the whole family a chance to speak in a safe, calm environment that will open up the communication and help each side understand how the other feels about the addiction while showing them how to balance, recognize, and express them.

Addiction is very hard not only on the addict but also on their family and many times, a block in communication can lead to broken relationships, which destroys the chances of support when they need it most.

The benefits of family therapy for addiction include:

  • the ability to gain understanding about the addiction
  • improve communication
  • rebuild trust
  • the ability to express emotions in a non-hostile environment

Relapse is a very real threat to an addict’s recovery but with the right support from the ones closest to them, the chances of a relapse are considerably reduced.

For more information on family therapy for addiction, please call 800-487-1890 (Who Answers?) .

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Benefits of Family Therapy
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Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy