Common Lies People on Drugs Tell to Avoid Treatment
Drug abuse is at an all-time high, and the dangerous disease of addiction is reaching epidemic proportions. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are a variety of ever-evolving treatment options designed to help all addicts beat their substance abuse problems. However, sometimes the biggest hurdle in overcoming addiction is getting people the help that they need. This is because they often tell a number of common lies to avoid treatment.
I Already Quit
The chances of successfully quitting an addictive substance without professional help are very small.
I Don’t Have a Problem
The effects of many drugs cloud judgement, and make it so a user is incapable of recognizing that they really do have a problem.
I Can’t Afford Treatment
There are a number of treatment options that are covered by insurance plans, funded by charitable organizations, subsidized by State and Federal health agencies, or priced on a sliding scale to ensure that treatment is available and affordable to everyone.
I Can Quit Any Time I Want
Once addiction sets in, this disease prevents sufferers from having any control over their drug use.
I’m Too Stressed to Quit
People often use this excuse, claiming that the abused substance helps them through their stress when in reality it contributes to and compounds their stress.
I Can’t Leave Work
Employers are required by law to hold someone’s job if they must take a medical leave. Plus, there are a number of treatment options that don’t force people to take time off of work.
I will Quit After…
Many people tell this lie in an effort to buy themselves time to come up with a better excuse for not seeking treatment.
I am Not Hurting Anyone Else
It is common knowledge that the disease of addiction damages not only the addict, but everyone around them, as well.
I only do it on the Weekends/ at Parties
As addiction grows, drug use escalates. While this may be true at the start, it will not remain that way.
The Doctor Prescribed It
No doctor prescribes medications in such quantities, or with usage directions that damage your ability to function in normal society, or maintain quality of life.
I Do it Because it Makes me Better
Self-medicating is never recommended, and almost never successful. Neither are the ravages of addiction worth momentary increases in performance or productivity.
Everyone is Doing it
In reality, the majority of people do not use any illicit substances.
Excuses Alcoholics and Addicts Make to Continue their Behavior
It’s No Big Deal
Addiction is dangerous and potentially fatal. This is definitely a big deal.
Only Hardcore Addicts Need Treatment
Everyone abusing a drug needs treatment.
Life without the Drug is Boring
There are too many exciting and enjoyable things in life, that don’t involve drugs, to even number. The cycle of pain, shame, and decline known as addiction is far less enjoyable.
Whatever lie someone tells to avoid treatment, the truth is that they need help. If they are someone you care about it might fall on you to make sure that they get this help. Call us today at 800-487-1890 (Who Answers?) and let us help you, help them.