Big Island Substance Abuse Council School Based Program/Konawaena HS
81-1041 Konawaena Road
Kealakekua, HI 96750
Phone Number:
(808) 969-9994
(808) 323-3268
Also try these nearby Recovery Centers in Hawaii
Big Island Substance Abuse Council Waiakea Intermediate School
YMCA Outreach Services School Based/Farrington High School
Ku Aloha Ola Mau Inc East Hawaii Treatment Clinic
YMCA Outreach Services School Based/Nanakuli High School
Hina Mauka/Teen Care Kahuku High and Intermediate School
Lokahi Treatment Centers Kona Office/Hillside Plaza
Big Island Substance Abuse Council Sch Bsd Prg/Kalanianaole Ele and Inter
ReSolution Counseling
Care Hawaii Ala Nui Adolescent IOP/OP
Kaiser Permanente Behavioral Health Services