Is it Bad to Mix Alcohol and Adderall?
Millions of people throughout the country suffer from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). While some take the time to receive treatment, ensuring they are in position to best deal with this, others neglect to do so.
Adderall is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for the treatment of ADHD. Not only has it been proven effective, but there are not many side effects.
A person who is taking this drug needs to be familiar with what it is doing to their body, including how it will react with other substances. This leads to one very important question: is it bad to mix alcohol and Adderall?
Many types of people, such as college students, have been diagnosed with ADHD. This diagnosis does not mean your life will come to an end. For some people, drinking alcohol while taking Adderall is a way of life. Of course, this doesn’t mean that everyone of these people has taken the time to learn more about the potential drawbacks of doing so.
They Don’t Counteract Each Other
Here is the problem: alcohol is a depressant and Adderall is a stimulant. While some people believe “they cancel each other out,” nothing could be further from the truth. That is not how the human body works.
One of the primary concerns is the ability for Adderall to lessen the symptoms of alcohol. For this reason, people using the two at the same time may not realize how much alcohol they have put into their body. Subsequently, they are at a greater risk of drinking too much.
Using alcohol and Adderall together can also increase the risk of heart problems. When used at the same time, the result can be: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and an irregular heartbeat.
Finally, mixing alcohol and Adderall has the potential to cause behavioral issues. From aggressive behavior to reduced inhibitions, a variety of issues can come to the forefront.
Know the Risks
This information should help you better understand the risks associated with mixing alcohol and Adderall. There is no evidence showing that one drink while taking Adderall is going to harm your body. What you do need to know, however, is that mixing too much of the two could have a negative impact. From an increased risk of alcohol poisoning to heart problems, mixing alcohol and Adderall has its risks. If you are taking this drug to treat ADHD, it is better to be safe than sorry. Don’t drink alcohol until you are no longer taking this medication.