How to Approach your Adult Son about his Substance Abuse Treatment
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, drug addiction is a chronic disease. Fortunately, it is a treatable one. Although some people believe otherwise, drug addiction is not just limited to high school students, after school specials, and colleges.
Many people have adult children who are dependent on these highly addictive substances, sons and daughters who are enslaved by drugs. If you have a son that is addicted to drugs, you need to know how to talk to him about his addiction and getting treatment.
Remember he’s an Adult
Although he’s still your son it is important to remember that he is an adult of his own right. As parents, it is easy to forget that children do grow up, that they become adults and have lives of their own. Adult children might have sons and daughters as well as spouses of their own.
When you talk to him it is important to remember that other people matter in his life and he might not be receptive to you as a parent telling him what to do. When you are talking to him about his drug addiction it is important to remember that he’s and adult. Talking to an adult child who is an addict is a delicate process. It requires some planning.
Talk to Him
There are a few things that you have to consider when talking to your son. One of those things is when to talk to him about his addiction. It is vital that you approach him about treatment at the right time. Unfortunately, the right time is hard to find. There are a few things that you should consider. These are:
- find a quiet time and place
- find a time when he is sober
- find a place where he is not becoming or cannot become intoxicated
- schedule the time to talk to him if you need to
- make sure that he is away from others for a first talk about his addiction
- make a conscious effort to not be angry about his drug use
- make sure that you choose a place where both you and he are comfortable
Most of all make sure that you do not judge him. He most likely still looks up to you as a parent. Although it is extremely difficult not to judge in this situation it is best not to. Your condemnation and judgment might drive him away or worse, further into addiction.
This happens frequently when someone they love judges them and is one of the addict’s biggest fears. By approaching him in a nonjudgmental way, you show him that you love him and can help him through his addiction.
How to Find Him Treatment When you and he are Ready
When you and he are ready, call 800-487-1890 (Who Answers?) for help. We can assist you and your son to find the treatment that he needs. Call us we can help.
Living with a Loved One Suffering from a Substance Abuse Disorder